2024年10 月05日

我的翻译作业——《圣洁和公义》R·C 史普罗

Urna Semper

Instructor’s Name

February 11, 2020





如果我们来看十八世纪时期,我们注意到在大觉醒那时建立的布道里面反复出现的主题。一方面来自布道家的信息是,人是非常、非常、非常败坏的,且神是非常、非常、非常愤怒的。 换句话说,这主题强调人是罪恶满盈及上帝的愤怒之重,以至于,几乎有人所持的叫作害怕神学的观念主导了那时期。


如今在转变到本世纪,在二十世纪的最开始;这时便有了对这反应的回应,连同着出现了一种叫做恐怖神学(crisis theology)”的神学,它被称作恐怖神学是因为它借用了希腊词语krisis,它的意思是审判。这些神学家们在大陆上宣称:如果我们去认真对待圣经所描绘的上帝,我们必须再次认真对待圣经所说的关于上帝愤怒之事。


基于这种观点的一些引文,它会包含接下来我要为你们简读的在利未记里的描述,在利未记十章的开始,我们读到这样的话:亚伦的儿子拿答、亚比户各拿自己的香炉,盛上火,加上香,在耶和华面前献上凡火,是耶和华没有吩咐他们的, 就有火从耶和华面前出来,把他们烧灭,他们就死在耶和华面前。













我也将以这样的话来结束:一个神圣的上帝是怜悯又公义的,永远也不非公义。圣经里面没有任何一页纸记载有任何一次,上帝惩罚了无罪的人。简而言之,上帝不知如何非公义。我每夜思考祂,他知道如何做到不用公义(non just)因为恩典是不用公义(non just),但是它不是非公义。




If we look at the period of the eighteenth century, we notice that there was a recurring motif during the Great Awakening in the preaching that was found at that time. On the one hand the message of the preachers was that man is very, very, very bad and that God is very, very, very mad. In other words there was such an emphasis on the sinfulness of man and the wrath of God that almost what some have called a “scare theology” dominated that period.

And then in the nineteenth century we saw a dramatic reaction against that kind of accent in preaching so that now the message was well, man’s not quite so bad, and God’s not really quite so mad. And there the emphasis was upon the love of God and the goodness of man.

Well at the turn of this century, in the beginning of the twentieth century, there was a response to that reaction with the adventof a theology called “crisis theology,” and it was called crisis theology because it borrowed the term from the Greek word krisis, which means judgment. And these theologians on the continent said that if we’re going to take seriously the biblical portrait of God, we must once again take seriously what the Bible says about the wrath of God.

Now there were some extremists in that group who said that what we see in the Scriptures, particularly in the Old Testament at certain times and places, is an expression of something that is irrational in the character of God himself. In other words, they said that yes, we do see unavoidably and unmistakably a manifestation of the anger of God in the pages of the Old Testament, but that anger is not so much a manifestation of God’s righteousness or of His holiness as it is a manifestation of a defect within God’s own character.

Some of the passages that are in view would include a narrative that we read in the book of Leviticus, which I’ll read briefly for you. At the beginning of the tenth chapter of Leviticus, we read this account: “Now Aaron’s sons, Nadab and Abihu, took their censors and put fire in them and added incense, and they offered unauthorized fire before the Lord, contrary to His command. So fire came out from the presence of the Lord and consumed them, and they died before the Lord.” Now in this understated, terse description of the death of the sons of Aaron, it seems to indicate for us an example of this swift and capricious manifestation of God’s wrath. When I read this, I try to read between the lines, and I ask myself, “How did Aaron react to all of this?” Imagine it! You remember earlier in the Scriptures the elaborate ceremony that God ordained when He consecrated Aaron as the high priest of Israel, how God ordered the minute 细微的details of the design of the garments that were to be worn by the high priest, that were designed for glory and for beauty. And then we could imagine how Aaron felt when he saw his own sons consecrated to the priesthood, and here are these young priests, who, they do something — and we’re not exactly sure what it was — but somehow they came to the altar, and they did as young clergy will often do. And without warning, and without rebuke, as they offer this strange fire in the altar, wham! God strikes them dead instantly.


But there are other occasions like that, aren’t there? One of the most blood-curdling stories in the Old Testament is the story of Uzzah, the Kohathite. You all know the story of Uzzah. It’s the story of the transfer of the Ark of the Covenant. Remember the Ark of the Covenant was the throne of God. It was the most sacred vessel in the holy of holies.…… And we are told that the Ark of the Covenant was transported by virtue of( =by means of) being placed in an ox cart, and the Bible tells us that as the cart was moving down the road, the Kohathites were walking along beside it protecting it, watching over it, one whose name was Uzzah. And in the midst of the procession, suddenly one of the oxen stumbled, and the cart began to teeter and to tilt, and it looked as if this holy vessel of Israel was about to slide from the ox cart and fall into the mud and be desecrated and so instinctively, involuntarily Uzzah stretched forth伸出 his hand to steady the Ark, to make sure that this throne of God would not fall into the mud. And what happened? The heavens opened, and a voice came down saying, “Thank you, Uzzah.” No, as soon as Uzzah touched the holy Ark of God, God struck him dead. ……If we look carefully at the Old Testament and see the history of the Kohathites, I think the answer is made apparent to us.

You remember that in the Old Testament that the twelve tribes of Israel were given certain tasks and certain allotments of the land.……Now Kohath was one of the sons of Levi, and the family of Kohath were separated by God for a specific task. Their job, their whole reason for being, their life’s vocation was to take care of the sacred vessels; and they were trained and disciplined from children with all of the prescriptions and the meticulous details of the law of God about how these sacred objects and vessels were to be treated. And the one absolute, non-negotiable principle that every Kohathite had drummed into him from the time he was a child was this: Never, never, never, never, ever touch the throne of God, and God said, “If you touch it, you die.”

In the first place, we wonder why in the world the Ark was being transported in an ox cart. It was to be transported on foot. There were loops at the edge of the throne to which stays were inserted to make sure that no human hand touched that throne, but instead they were in a hurry, and they put it in the ox cart. And they’re going down, and Uzzah did the unthinkable. He touched the throne of God. But we say, “So wait a minute. Why did he do it? His motive was pure. He was trying to preserve the throne of God from being desecrated by the mud” — that the presumptuous sin of Uzzah was this, ladies and gentlemen: He assumed that his hands were less polluted than the dirt. There was nothing about the earth that would desecrate the throne of God. The earth was lying there on the ground doing what God has called earth to do. It obeys the laws of God day in and day out, doing exactly what dirt is supposed to do. There is nothing defiling about the earth. It was the hand of man that God said, “I don’t want on this throne.” In a word, Uzzah broke the law of God, and God killed him.

But still it seems, doesn’t it, that this is a manifestation of cruel and unusual punishment? If you look, for example, in the Pentateuch and see the list of capital crimes that are set forth in Israel, there are over thirty offenses for which God commanded the death penalty among the Jews. Over thirty offenses God ordained that people should be killed, and again, the theologians look at that, and they say, “How primitive, how bloodthirsty, and how severe. That can’t possibly be the word of God, particularly in light of the New Testament’s spirit of mercy and love.”

……Marcion produced the first formal edition of the Bible. It was a very strange canon经书. The Old Testament was absent, and most of the gospel materials was absent, and just a few remarks from the apostle Paul were comprised in this canon because Marcion’s working principle was this: that any reference to the God of the Old Testament, Jehovah, couldn’t possibly be sacred Scripture, because Jesus in the New Testament reveals a different deity from that explosive, hot-tempered, ill-willed deity that thundered from Sinai in the Old Testament. There are Marcions all over the place saying to me, “Well I like the New Testament, but that God of the Old Testament is more than I could handle.” When we compare the Old Testament to the New Testament, the Old Testament seems severe.

I’ve had help in dealing with this from the writings of a very important theologian who is very controversial in the Roman Catholic Church. His name is Hans Kuhn. In one of his earlier and most important writings written in German under the title Justification. Dr. Kuhn deals with this very question of the seeming injustice of God’s wrath that we find in Scripture, particularly in the Old Testament, and he makes this point: He said, “You know, the real mystery of iniquity, the real puzzle is not that a holy and righteous God should exercise justice. What is mysterious about a holy creator punishing willfully disobedient creatures?” He said, “The real mystery is why God, through generation after generation tolerates rebellious creatures who commit cosmic treason against His authority.” Did you ever think of it like that? And Kuhn goes on to say this: He said, “Remember that even though there are thirty-some超过30 capital offenses in the Old Testament, that doesn’t represent a cruel and unusual form of justice at the hands of God. It already represents a massive reduction in the number of capital crimes.” He said, “Remember the rules that were set forth at creation, when God, the omnipotent ruler of heaven and earth breathed into dirt the breath of life and shaped a creature in His own image and gave that creature the highest status in this planet and the greatest blessing and gift that He owed them — not at all — the very gift of life, and stamped His image on that piece of dirt and gave them life. He said, “The soul that sins shall die.

All sin was viewed in creation as a capital offense. ……Is there anything wrong with that God extinguishing a creature? Who has the audacity to challenge God’s authority to rule His creation? Have you ever stopped to consider what is involved in the slightest sin? It terrifies me in our culture that people do things like abortion and say they have the moral right to do it. If I know anything about God, I know God never has given anyone the moral right to do something like that, and I shudder to think of what will happen when a person stands before God and says, “I had the right to do that.” Where did you get that right? But even the slightest sin, never mind a heinous可耻的 sin like abortion, in the slightest sin (what we could call a peccadillo), in that sin I defied the authority of God. I insult the majesty of God. I challenge the justice of God. But we are so accustomed to doing that and so careful to justify our disobedience that we have become recalcitrant in our hearts. Our consciences have been seared烧焦, and we think it no serious matter to disobey the King of the universe. I call it cosmic treason.

But God did was this, as Dr. Kuhn points out when he says that instead of destroying mankind in the moment of that act of revolt and rebellion of God’s authority, God reached forth and extended His mercy. Instead of justice, He poured out His grace, and the history of the Old Testament, beloved, is the history of repeated episodes of the manifestations of God’s gracious forbearance and merciful forgiveness towards a people who disobeyed Him day in and day out. And Kuhn speculates. He said, “Now granted, I don’t know the secret counsel of God. I can’t read the deity’s mind, but,” he said, “I wonder why we find periodically in Scripture this swift and sudden exercise in justice. Perhaps God finds it necessary to interrupt His normal pattern of long-suffering, forbearing, grace, and mercy to remind us of His justice. He himself complains that His forbearing mercy is designed to give us time to repent; but instead of repenting we exploit it, and we come to think that God doesn’t care if we sin, or even if He does care there’s nothing He can do about it.

Ladies and gentlemen, we become so accustomed to God’s normal patterns of grace and mercy that we not only begin to take it for granted, we begin to assume it, we begin to demand it, and then if we don’t get it we’re furious.

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